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Vedi Tutti Calzini

Black Scallop Frill Socks

Black Scallop Frill Socks photo

🌟24 hour wear included, on an office day
✨See bio for other add ons

12.00 USD 120

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Frilly Black Socks Ankle Socks Worn

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VeronicaRose_luvs269 US

Knee-High Tube Socks...

Come get the best of both worlds!!! Red spandex booty shorts that hug my a** and show off...

36.00 USD 360

GoodiesbyCiCi US

Casual Wear Socks...

🤍 Casual white ankle socks worn for 24 hours during my daily activities including walking, laundry, work, gym,...

10.00 USD 100

GoddessIndigo US

Well-worn White Cotton...

Well worn white socks. Extended size (for a size 12 foot) worn for 24 hrs, also to the...

15.00 USD 150

Vedi Tutti Calzini


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