


4.4 (5) UK Regno Unito ID Verificato

Messaggio Venditore Mancia

NylonElegance - fet**h Seller Role ~ 🩷 Submissive, Pet*te, Delicate & Cute. I am a real little so be nice to meeee. 🧸

Before messaging me note that I do not sell/show any explicit content. 🚷

I am here to sell my used items, but mostly specialise in my beautiful nylons and corsets. I love to wear unique nylons with beautiful patterns & love selling my worn items.

🍭🌷Abit about me:🍭🌷
I am 5ft In height with size 3.5 feet. I wear silk, cotton, lace, leather and more so don't be shy to ask if I have other materials available.

I am a single women just looking to sell professionally. Payment methods are PayPal & Bank Transfer.

What i offer
✔️ For you to spoil me
✔️ Worn underwear
✔️ Financial Control
✔️ Leggings, Shoes.
✔️ Nylons, Socks, Leather, boots.
✔️ I do foot content but I do not do nudity.
✔️ Used Sweets 🍬
✔️ Used Bubblegum
✔️ Crushed Bread 🍞 foot bread

My Nono's
✖️ Do Not Send Me Nudes
✖️ Nudes, s**ting.
✖️ Me being dominant
✖️ Ghost Buyers

Informazioni su NylonElegance

50 Follower  -  29 Seguiti  -  9 Badge

Genere: Femmina

Età: 25-30

Etnia: Caucasica/o (Bianca/o)

Misure del Corpo: Morbida/o

Numero di Scarpe: US 5, UK 3, EU 36

Iscritto: 4 mesi fa

Visite al Profilo: 7026

Cosa Offro

Mutandine Perizomi Lingerie Reggiseni Tacchi A Spillo Scarpe Basse Formatori Pantofole Scarpe Uniformi Calzini Collant Calze Gonne Vestiti Costumi Da Bagno

Metodi di Pagamento

PayPal Bonifico Bancario

Negozio 43 Inserzioni

NylonElegance UK

Plain Black Nylons,...

Looking for some very worn and sweaty nylons? Like to dress up?🤭 Feel free to show me if...

10.00 GBP 129

NylonElegance UK

💞 2 Day...

My older pair of socks, super cute.💞 Free delivery within the uk, £5 international. Light pink/white packaging it is...

15.00 GBP 194

Foto 15 immagini

Ultima Attività

NylonElegance UK

Aggiunta una nuova foto > It's my birthday in a few days, what lovely gentleman is treating a goddess? (me) PayPal is in bio. You're treat. 💞🧋

3 mesi fa

1 | Keith68ownedbyDarkDavina NylonElegance Lilmrspiggies SweatySlut AlexSteel Princess02

NylonElegance UK

This is my only account, admin contacted me thinking I had another account I do not. A buyer thought I was somebody else and contacted them about me, don't make assumptions.🤦🏻‍♀️

3 mesi fa

3 | Dmeister68 Enelf Seducing_Slaves AlbasAntics

NylonElegance UK

Trying to spend more time in nature like a little forest fairy🥰

3 mesi fa

0 | LillieGrey SadisticPsychotherapistx Lilmrspiggies SilverMirage Eveadore

NylonElegance UK

I have 2 available black 40 denier washing basket nylons that can be posted tomorrow!! Only £10 🖤

3 mesi fa

0 | Vanillavalentinexo Georgimay_x AlexSteel Princess02 Queenlisa

NylonElegance UK

I only work with gentlemen & polite lady buyers, must have 5 ✨✨✨✨✨ due to an alarming amount of unreliable buyers it's now become untrustworthy. Please understand. 🖤

3 mesi fa

0 | Keith68ownedbyDarkDavina NaomiCream Autumn_Angel NylonElegance Sunmoonrider PorcelainWitch23 Vanillavalentinexo Mistyrose


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