My mistress @Scottishkitty1 is making me pay for the incredible privilege of seeing a single picture of her beautiful pussy. I am a worthless little piggy but I desperately want to see this p

Pay for her all day shopping spree - 19%
Pay for her spa day - 12%
Buy the most expensive item on her wishlist - 19%
Give her access to my PayPal account to do as she pleases for a month - 50%

Voti Totali: 42

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Who will be my Valentine? 💋

Another would you rather...

Let’s settle this....what do you guys prefer to buy???😈

Did everyone have a good valentines day?🥰❤️

Are you an early bird 🐦 or night owl? 🦉

To all my foot / shoe people out there. What would you like to see me do next...

My first Valentines on ATW 😘 what will you be up to? I’ll be doing 2 & 4 🤪

So buyers. In terms of breaking the ice...

A little experiment to see how many people this reaches

If you could have one of these superpowers, which one would you choose?

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