71 Follower - 28 Seguiti - 14 Badge
Genere: Femmina
Età: 30-40
Etnia: Caucasica/o (Bianca/o)
Mostrerà Il Viso: Sì
Misure del Corpo: Morbida/o
Numero di Scarpe: US 7, UK 5, EU 38
Occupazione: Genitore Casalingo
Iscritto: 2 anni fa
Visite al Profilo: 11543
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💛 its as close to the real thing as you can get ✨️ Lay under me as I...
10.00 USD 100
Aggiunta una nuova foto > It's time for a late lunch! Who's gonna satisfy my cravings?
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Solo masterbation, golden showers, blowjobs, and tons of feet content ! Come enjoy all of me this holiday season, new videos uploaded daily 🤤🥵
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Tomorrow, I've decided to cut my phone off for the day. Reconnect with nature and myself sonthat I'm able to keep bring the A+ content you ❤️. Will be on today taking requests for customs, sexting, custom pictures, and dick rates.
Aggiunta una nuova foto > 5$ written rates, 8$ mutual 🥵 sexting 25/ half hour 💦 custom pics 3$ (discounts start at 10 pics) 🥰 custom video is 5$ per minute😈
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