80 Follower - 67 Seguiti - 21 Badge
Genere: Femmina
Età: 21-25
Etnia: Mista/o
Misure del Corpo: Atletica/o e Tonica/o
Numero di Scarpe: US 9, UK 7, EU 40
Occupazione: Modella/o
Iscritto: 1 anno fa
Visite al Profilo: 37348
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My favourite boots to wear in winter with fluffy socks and plenty of muddy walks done in these...
35.00 GBP 449
Send to receive..... Absolutely nothing 😂it's exactly what you deserve maybe I will be kind and send you...
10.00 GBP 129
Aggiunta una nuova foto > £5 Christmas wheel! Will you win because you've been a good boy, or are you on Goddess Skyes naughty list😈
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Last chance to purchase these boots for £45 before they are claimed tomorrow?
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Love how I love in this outfit! Missing my braids already, who's going to send for me to redo them £25... And make it quite
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