293 Follower - 142 Seguiti - 20 Badge
Genere: Femmina
Età: 25-30
Etnia: Nera/o
Misure del Corpo: Morbida/o
Numero di Scarpe: US 9, UK 7, EU 40
Iscritto: 1 anno fa
Visite al Profilo: 63917
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VS Pink yellow sports bra with white & black details✨ Size L. 24 hour wear & shipping included in...
25.00 USD 250
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Had so much fun at a wedding over the weekend. Would I have caught your eye on the dance floor?💕✨
Aggiunta una nuova foto > How do you like your coffee in the morning?☀️✨
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Who else loves sleeping in a big t-shirt?💕✨
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Finally time to shut my laptop & get cozy on the couch. Join me? 😉💕
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Now at 74 five star reviews 🌟 so excited to see the fun requests I get for the month of October 🎃✨
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Quick update on these slippers after a year of wear💕✨
Aggiunta una nuova foto > When you finish filming a custom & know it was amazing 💕✨
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Loser tax applies to you little virgins too 🤭💕✨
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