109 Follower - 97 Seguiti - 22 Badge
Genere: Femmina
Età: 40-50
Etnia: Caucasica/o (Bianca/o)
Misure del Corpo: Morbida/o
Numero di Scarpe: US 11, UK 9, EU 42
Occupazione: Insegnante
Iscritto: 1 anno fa
Visite al Profilo: 51073
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Black cotton thongs from Mistress will be worn for 24 hours so you can have a small taste...
30.00 GBP 384
Mistress will keep your chastity but you must beg first… You will kneel naked before your Mistress, your...
50.00 GBP 640
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Today only, due to my highly horny state, fetish friendly and super naughty offers; 🖤 fetish role play (🍋, 🍪, ⛓️) 🖤 pre made fetish and naughty photos and videos (🍋🍪⛓️) 🖤 custom fetish content (I’m up for an awful lot today!! Drop me a message and see what we can come up with)
Aggiunta una nuova foto > The time my slave arrived with a pineapple in hand as a gift… at what point should I have said that I’m allergic to pineapples? 🍍
Ripubblicato un annuncio > Mistress’ Advanced Chastity Experience 🗝️ One Month 🗝️
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Hello little ones, I have been away the last few weeks building up my business elsewhere (if you are intrigued DM me for further information)… BUT I am still filling orders and getting amazing reviews! One of my all time favourite reviews from a superstar gentleman. This is my favourite review of all time 😍😍
Ripubblicato un annuncio > Play Eggs/ovipositor Eggs 🖤 A Clutch Of 15 Mini Eggs 🖤
Ripubblicato un annuncio > Mistress’ Advanced Chastity Experience 🗝️ One Month 🗝️
Aggiunta una nuova foto > An old birthday card from my favourite sub 🖤🍑🖤
Aggiunta una nuova foto > You wish it was your key hanging around Mistress’ neck, don’t you 🖤
Ripubblicato un annuncio > Play Eggs/ovipositor Eggs 🖤 A Clutch Of 15 Mini Eggs 🖤
Aggiunta una nuova foto > Will you beg Mistress for permission to cum or will you leave it to fate? How brave do you feel? £5 for three flips of the coin of fate 🖤🖤
Aggiunta una nuova foto > I am currently incredibly creamy… I finish this current wear tonight, so if you want a thong yourself, to see how amazing I taste, drop me a message now! 🖤
Ripubblicato un annuncio > Play Eggs/ovipositor Eggs 🖤 A Clutch Of 15 Mini Eggs 🖤
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