For 35 years you have lived with low self esteem, low self confidence and no self belief, just because you were abused by a teacher at school, who called you usless, a waste of space, thick, stupid and would never amount to anything, during your most formative years.
You've carried that around with you all your life, It's ruined jobs you didn't believe you could do, and ended relationships you didn't believe you deserved.
It's time to stop, it's time to realise your worth.
You are not the best looking man in the world, not even close, but you are ok with that. You don't have the best looking body around, and again you are comfortable with that too.
If you've accepted that about yourself then why can't you accept the good points too.
Because you may not be beautiful on the outside, but you are fucking gorgeous on the inside, and it's about time you realised that.
You are a good person, kind, polite, respectful, well mannered, with a heart of gold. You will go out of your way to help others, but never help yourself, because you never believed you deserve it.
You do deserve it, and more, because of who you really are.
If people don't see that in you then they don't deserve to be in your life.
Stop blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong, sometimes things are beyond your control, and maybe it wasn't your fault.
I'm not saying your a perfect man, far from it, but at the end of the day, when all said and done, your unique, and your special, accept it, believe it and know your worth.
I was only able to write this with the confidence given to me by
Somebody who is beautiful on the inside and out, thank you sweetheart ๐
Get involved folks, it's invigorating.