All Things Worn was created to fill a gap in the market for those looking to buy and sell used items. Popular websites like eBay & Etsy don’t allow the sale of used items. If you dare to mention that your shoes are ‘well-worn’ your listing will be taken down and your account could be banned. (we learned the hard way).
So… we decided to create our own marketplace, where you can buy and sell used clothing without fear of being shut down.
What was first started as a worn items marketplace, soon blossomed into a warm and welcoming community. A place where people can come together to embrace their kinks.
Whether you’re a seller looking for a platform to sell your used goods on the side, or a buyer looking to pick up some used panties, we created the perfect platform for you!
1 Million+
Team Worldwide
We really do care
Our goal at All Things Worn is to provide a lively, welcoming, and safe environment for people to buy and sell used goods. Our mission is to offer a platform that prioritizes privacy, authenticity, and trust so people can interact and connect with confidence. We hope to create a welcoming environment where each member feels valued and free to pursue their own interests and passions via our unwavering commitment to providing excellent customer service and ethical business practices.
Our community is what makes us what we are. We’re not just a marketplace, we’re a community of kinksters, almost like a kinky Facebook. Where you can interact and engage with other members of the community. Take part in polls, competitions, like and comment on our very own dashboard. We’ve had users tell us they’ve deleted their in Facebooks in place of ATW and we can totally see why… not that we’re biased of course
We have a friendly worldwide Admin Team that are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to help with any queries you should have. Just send a message to our Admin Team page and a member of our Team will respond within 24 hours, usually much sooner!
In the community
We’ve sponsored the Winter Pride in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria - a week long event celebrating inclusivity within the LGBTQ+ community.
We’ve also sponsored UK Expo Erotica - The UK’s only adult lifestyle and health show, showcasing the biggest brands in the adult industry and the chance to meet your favourite camgirls and Dommes.
We are proud to announce we have partnered with Pineapple Support to offer support for anyone seeking mental health support within the adult industry.
Pineapple Support is a non-profit organisation, created by sex-workers, for sex-workers, offering free counselling to anyone working within the adult world.
We wouldn’t think of a better charity to support! To find out more about the charity and how it may help you you can visit their website here -
We are proud sponsors of the UK Fet Awards. The UK Fet Awards was created to celebrate the world of kink, promoting stars and brands within the adult world. The awards take place in London in November and look forward to seeing the worthy winners. Who knows… we may even see some of our community nominated!
Our Sister Sites
All Things Worn is part of a bigger family of sites and you can currently access all platforms for free with 1 account. How cool?! One membership gives you access to 5 platforms!
Following the success of male sellers on ATW, we soon realised the need for a male dedicated platform and Male Things Worn was born! MTW is a place where men can buy from men, think used boxers, musky tops, sweaty socks and more! A place where straight, gay and bi guys can hang out in a safe and welcoming community!
The latest addition to our family is a dedicated platform for all things Findoms Only! Here you can immerse yourselves in the world of financial domination. Whether you are a paypig looking to relinquish control or a Domme looking to worship and take charge, Findoms Only is the place to go!
We have also since developed a dedicated foot fetish platform - Feet Lovers Only for all things feet. Here you can buy feet pics, well worn shoes, cabin crew tights and so much more!!
We also have a community dedicated to lovers (or haters) of dicks. Over at Dick Ratings Only, you can join a community looking to participate in dick praise, small penis humiliation or even custom jerk off instructions. If you’re looking to get your dick rated or want to earn money for looking at dick pics, we’d suggest heading over to DRO!
Help Us Grow
Are you passionate about innovation and eager to be part of a dynamic, rapidly growing team?
At All Things Worn, we're revolutionizing the way people connect and engage within niche marketplaces, and we’re on the lookout for talented individuals to join our team.
Help us grow our brand(s) by leveraging social media, press and much more.
Remote Full Time
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