Mental Health As A Seller In The S** Industry

Lululiciousss By Lululiciousss 1064 views 3rd Apr 2024

Seller Sellers’ Perspective
Mental Health As A Seller In The S** Industry

In this line of work it can be a challenge balancing mental wellness while also maintaining your persona/ alter ego/stage presence or whatever you’d like to call it. I think we sometimes forget that we too are human and need to take a step back once in a while.

I’ve only been in this line of work for just over a year now but there has been a lot I’ve learned in this short time. One major thing is PUT YOURSELF FIRST!

You ever get those days when you wake up and you don’t feel so confident? You feel too overwhelmed to function that even going for your morning toilet run is a challenge?

I can imagine a lot of us force ourselves through these feelings and work anyway, which can be very damaging. Sometimes just listening to your body is the key to success.

Obviously, I’m not telling you to give in to your depression/ feelings and just spend weeks on end in bed feeling sorry for yourself. I’m just saying that sometimes forcing yourself to do things you don’t feel up for can be mentally exhausting and you’ll soon notice the quality in your work decreasing.

For some this work is a hobby and for others it’s a lifestyle, but whatever it is you have to have control and balance. You cannot overwork yourself just because you think you need the money, you’ll lose sight of yourself. I know it’s easier said than done but sometimes a break is needed.

I know for a fact any buyer you lose there will ALWAYS be another.

Don’t ever feel bad for turning down orders when you are not feeling up for it. It’s about setting boundaries. This is YOUR line of work, YOUR rules! The people want you and sometimes they can’t have you BUT there will always be others!

Which brings me on to this piece of handy information that is sellers seem to forget. Even me.

PEOPLE UNDERSTAND. I’ve been in this line of work for over a year now, and I’ve only been on ATW for a year and I can honestly say I’ve met some of the most amazing souls on here. When I’ve been down and out, I’ve had beautiful messages both on the dash and private!! Yes, you may get people that don’t understand but it’s only a small percentage compared to those who do!

Also, the bonds you’ve created with reoccurring buyers is not an easy one to tarnish! So don’t ever be afraid to tell them you’re not going to be selling for a while due to mental health reasons. So I’ll say it again, I’ve met some lovely buyers in my short time with All Things Worn that have shown me such compa**ion and understanding. Yes, we get a few trolls once in a while, but these buyers really make up for that. Over time your page will grow, and you’ll meet tons of amazing people that will stick around because they like your niche. So don’t stress too much about taking time off, they will be there when you come back!!

DOMMES THIS PART IS FOR YOU!! I get it, in your line of work you are a fierce, boss b**ch, powerful lady who has men wrapped around your fingers and I applaud it!!

That being said it may be difficult to accept when you’re feeling insecure or depressed and sometimes it may be hard to voice that to buyers as they know you as their domme. But at the end of the day, we’re all smart enough to realise it’s normal to feel this way, you could be the strongest person in the world and still get knocked down!!

PEOPLE UNDERSTAND and you’re still BOSSES! We are only human at the end of the day, we need to take time to acknowledge our feelings so we can come back from them 10x stronger!

It’s easy to lose sight of yourself when focusing on work all the time, so please take a little time out of each day to just take a step back and accept your thoughts. Your mental wellbeing is of upmost importance. You’ll see that recognising that and nurturing your mind will really make an impact in not just everyday life but your work too.

One more thing I’d like to add before I finish is make sure you interact with your fellow sellers! Once in a while I’ll send tips to my fellow sellers when they post that they need help with KC on the dash or if they’re genuinely just feeling down. I don’t expect anything back, but it makes me so happy because I know how happy I get when fellow sellers do this for me. It’s great to make connections with sellers whether that’s helping with exposure, giving tips, liking/ commenting on posts, or sending them a message to show support. We are one big family and a little foes a long way, those you look after will always look after you (from my experience anyway).

Thank you for reading, I hope it opens your mind a little more! Always remember to love yourselves. You are one of a kind!

By Lululiciousss

A bratty whore with a fat a** n a hot body 🧚🏽‍♀️ I show face in all of my content 𓀐𓂸 Spend your hard earned cash on me: ⬇️ Good boys always...

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