How to be a Successful Fetish Seller on ATW

PorcelainWitch23 By PorcelainWitch23 2831 views 20th Nov 2023

Seller Tips For Sellers
How to be a Successful Fetish Seller on ATW

Dear kinksters,

Thanks for joining our amazing community. I'm sure there are lots of things you must be wondering about. While there are lots of great blogs here already giving tips and advice, I thought it was about time I created my own and put my 2 cents out there. As a seller going on 3 years of experience on many platforms and types of kinks and fetishes, I may have some insight to share that hasn't been said already!

Setting up:

Firstly, we can see who visits our profiles (sellers can see what buyers have peeked on their page and vice versa, buyers can see sellers who have peeked on them.) Consider what you want us to see, or not see. For sellers this can be your first opportunity to stand out in the crowd. Think about what type of buyer you may be seeking, especially if you are a niche seller. Do you have a brand? Can you tell the difference between your feet/ ass and others? For those that do not show face, this may feel like an obstacle. But you can definitely make yours stand out with creative posing, editing, and or watermarking. For buyers, adding any pic to your profile helps sellers remember you, especially if you visit our shop. We often click on those little profile picture bubbles to see what your profile is all about and if you don’t have a picture, we are likely to make the mistake of visiting your page multiple times. There is lots of advice in the blogs for both buyers and sellers alike. But if you cannot seem to find what you are looking for, reach out! There are lots of sellers willing to take the time to answer a few questions and often experienced buyers are willing to chime in and help. Read people’s bio’s and be sure to fill yours out! It helps a lot when the information we may be seeking at first contact is already laid out for us. You may be wondering what to include in your bio, here are some ideas: Boundaries, prices, your personal interests, goals, types of services you are seeking or selling, whether you are open for free chat or not, payment options, expectations of being on the site, a little about you. The bio section is a great place to lay down some basic information about yourself. We want to know what kinks and fetishes you are into, and you can often find that out in a bio.

Safety online:

It’s important for both buyers and sellers to protect themselves while engaging in kinky fun online. While there is great advice on VPN’s out there, I don’t have enough experience to dig into that! I am sure there are lovely people in the crowd who can certainly answer those questions for you. Let’s talk about sending and receiving though. Did you set up an email you can use to receive and send content from? Be sure it is under an alias! If you are doing live cam work on sites like “Skype”, you should also be using an alias on those too. Remove metadata from your content! Be sure to turn off location settings when uploading and downloading content. For sellers, you can also choose to let buyers have access to content for viewing and not for download if you so choose. We have all read the tabloids and expose pieces online of people being not so smart or having integrity when receiving content and keeping their “sexy stuff” private or discreet. As a seller I believe it's important to watermark your content. You do not want someone using your content as their own! It’s something to consider when we start this type of work. When sending and receiving items, be sure you have a P.O. box set up or an address you feel comfortable using. As sellers, we may have wish lists and gifts sent to us. As buyers, you may have other people in the home you do not want intercepting your package! Sellers, please be sure to never put your own address on the package! Use a nearby business or put the buyer's address as the return address. Any way you are choosing to pay or be paid, you can also choose to use the alias to further be safe and protect your private information from being shared. Kinkcoins allows us that safety, but you can certainly do this with other payment options.

Personal thoughts on verification:

There are quite a few reasons I would recommend getting verified. This is an age verification. A verified account ensures that person is over 18 years old and allowed to be on the site. It’s private and discreet. We never get to see anything you used to get verified. I know some people worry about their vanilla jobs finding out, but the process is simple and very secure. I highly recommend it. A scam buyer is way less likely to verify themselves. (That’s not to say unverified people can’t be good sellers and buyers, they certainly can be.) It’s food for thought though.

Communication is key:

Clear communication sets us up for success. Let’s talk about some expectations we may have around interaction and purchases. While some sellers and buyers are open for free chats just for the engagement, others are straight to business. It’s important that we respect that and we respect their time. Asking questions about an order should always be ok. Engaging in free kink talk or pushing sexting, really not ok. Some things that I have found that are often complained about: copy and paste cold sales messages, lurking on profiles, setting up an order and then ghosting with no payment, setting up an order and then not filling out the order form, not leaving reviews, the entitled or rude attitude, haggling prices, being pushed off site with no payment, not accepting the word no.

Let’s dig in and break some of these down. Copy and paste sales messages are very impersonal, while this is a business, it's a very personal and intimate one. Keep that in mind while marketing yourself. There are better ways to engage with people.

Lurking is considered to be rude. What is lurking? Lurking is when you repeatedly go to someone’s profile but make zero attempt to communicate or engage with them. It is likely going to be assumed you are using their pictures for free spank bank, and we are here for business. While you may have reasons to be going back to the profile over and over again, like seeing if there's a sale, or the item you saved has been bought, it’s considered good manners to send a friendly “Hello, I’m just looking around.” message.

If you set up an order and then don’t follow through with it, whether buyer or seller, there should be communication around it. Just explain you can’t follow through. That’s better than leaving the other person left to figure it out and wonder. Often this behavior results in bad reviews and a report to Admin.

If you have created an order with a seller you should expect to see an order form, be sure to fill it out! We need to know where to send your stuff! Also, this tracks what's been paid and when, what you ordered and any extra details we need to know about the order. You can often find tracking information here and other details.

After receiving your order, sellers love feedback! Feedback is very important. Leaving reviews for sellers lets us know you were satisfied! It also helps our business as others can read what kind of experience we give and how much you enjoyed it. The same goes for sellers leaving buyers reviews. We can see the type of buyer we are hoping to work with through past reviews. Especially if you have a minimal profile or a shy one to talk too. Reviews are a great way to say thank you!

When dealing with so many messages and orders online, sometimes people get a little prickly in their communication style. While that’s a hot attraction to some, it's definitely not to others. We must remember that consent is the sexiest. Treating every person like they are a trash pile might get you a very exclusive crowd, however it will likely limit your experience here. There is so much to explore and experience in the world of fetish and kink. Be open minded. Take a break if you’re having a rough day. Self-care is really important and you don’t want to burn out. The sales will be here when you get back! I promise.

On the flip side of that experience are buyers who act entitled to sales or this, that and the other. Boundaries are important and no means no. It doesn’t mean ask again. If a seller is choosing to not work with you, move on! If a seller has set their prices at a certain price, you do not get to dictate or argue them! You may ask to be informed of sales or you can bookmark items to come back to later. Remember, kinky play and fetish is a luxury and we are providing that luxury. It comes at a cost!

Managing our expectations:

When we first join we might expect that we will get attention almost right away. There must be somebody out there looking for exactly what I have! But reality is there are more sellers than buyers and often the turnover rate for sellers is about 6 months. Sellers come and go quite quickly and the turnover rate for buyer profiles can be even faster than that! So it’s best to not compare yourself to others and do what feels right to you! You are unique and no one can provide your scent but you. Get busy and stay busy! Post on the dash, engage with others, have variety in your shop, add pictures, update your posts regularly. Tell us a bit about you. Get involved in competitions and polls. Get to know people. Let’s talk about messaging. Sellers have lives outside of panty selling so give them time to respond. ATW doesn't have an instant messaging system, often we don’t know we have messages until we log and refresh the page. Be patient with us, I promise we are worth the wait. Often buyers can be overwhelmed with messages. So if your message doesn’t speak to them, they will likely forget you ever messaged them. Messaging them over and over isn’t the way to deal with that either though, you should find things that inspire and encourage engagement.

Prices and sales will fluctuate. This is normal. It depends on the season and time of year. When things get slow, it’s quite unattractive to see people complain about the lack of sales. So consider how you can keep busy when downtime comes. I know every seller wants to hit that top sellers list and earn their spotlight but not everyone will, and some don’t stay on that list for long. Don’t compare your journey here to others. That’s only going to discourage you. Stay positive! Be sure to tell us all the great things about you.

Mutual Respect:

Respect and kindness go a long way. We are all human behind the screen and being human means we are flawed by nature. We may make mistakes from time to time but it’s important to take accountability and be honest about it. We may have screwed up an address, or asked for something someone doesn’t provide, lost a pair of socks in the wash and now we only have the one sock!! Oh NO!!! Life happens! That's important to keep in mind.

If at any point you need help resolving an issue, you can rely on Admin to get to the bottom of it. Don’t be afraid to contact them for help. Especially when it comes to scams, inappropriate behavior, or anything you cannot resolve and work out for yourself. Boundaries are very important! And everyone has them, as they should. On this note, sending unsolicited nudes and dick pics is heavily frowned upon. Some people don’t want nudity and you’re violating their right to consent by doing so. Be mindful of that. We touched on consent earlier but it’s very important. Everyone engaging in play should agree to the play and be enjoying it. If you find that you are just not a match for the person and you don’t want contact, utilize that block button! Another issue we see with consent is people taking hidden pics and videos of people and posting them online. It’s not cute. Don’t do that. Role play (with consent) is always the best option. Stealing family members items is also a no! In fact it’s a crime. Spitting on, cumming on other people’s belongings secretly and posting about it online is icky, You violated that person and no one should be ok with supporting that behavior. Harassing someone’s partner in a homewrecker style should also have both partners permission in this type of play! Posting about how you may have ruined a marriage or how cruel you were to someone’s girlfriend is only fun if they are in on the role play. Again, being mindful and getting consent are super important in this line of work. Kinkshaming is always a no. Don’t yuck someone else’s yum. You can always block if you need to or simply not engage.

Don’t judge a private profile! Ask them about it if you’re curious. I wrote a whole blog on private profiles. This is a boundary for some people and it should be respected. But it should never scare you away from engaging with them. It could be private for many reasons, you just never know.

In the end:

The goal is to have fun and explore. Be respectful of others. Don’t be afraid of asking questions and trying new things. Be sure you are engaging in play safely. Be sure to have boundaries and take care of yourself while playing online. No is a whole sentence. Stay positive. Get involved in the community, build friendships. Be mindful of others time. Overall, the site is meant for buying and selling and having fun. If you need a break, it’s ok to take one.

By PorcelainWitch23

Hello! I'm Porcelain. Buyers, Give me a follow and I'll send you a message. Don't see what you are after, just shoot me a message and we can see what...

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