By GoddessPinky
5th Aug 2024
Macy walked slowly down the long hotel corridor. ‘Why did I convince myself to wear these shoes?’ She asked herself. She had been at the conference since early that morning. Though the shiny black patent leather pumps looked amazing and were certainly the statement piece of her otherwise very conservative outfit, they were painfully impractical.
Arriving at her hotel door, she let out a big sigh of relief as her keycard clicked.
The door didn’t move.
“Ughhhh.” She jiggled the handle a bit. The door to room 413 was apparently very finicky.
She struggled with it the night before as well, but since she was eventually able to get in, she decided it was fine. It was late and she had been so tired from her travel day. She just wanted to go to sleep, so she hadn’t bothered to alert the hotel staff of her troubles.
She re-inserted her key card and pushed hard with her shoulder and hip and the door opened. “Well finally.” She mumbled to herself, exasperated. The door closed itself, but she did not hear a click. She pushed against it again from the inside. It seemed like it was secure.
Her feet ached and throbbed. They were so sweaty from being stuffed into those expensive shoes all day. Her brain was also exhausted. Trying to hob-nob with all of those boring insurance people at the conference, all for the sake of one potentially large sale, was an endeavor she wasn’t exactly passionate about.
She wasn’t even supposed to be at this conference, she was supposed to be on vacation in Mexico. But her pregnant boss who would have been the one on this trip, had received doctor’s orders to be on bed rest just two days prior.
Though not part of her usual responsibilities, her boss was emphatic that Macy was the best person to stand in for her and was promised an extra week of paid vacation for her sacrifice. What type of employee would she be if she said “no” in a situation like this?
All she could think of now was the large soaking tub that was waiting for her in the hotel room….
She started dreaming of a long luxurious soak right around lunch time at the conference. She had been picking at a salad while listening to the older man who was seated next to her drone on about his achievements in selling supplemental insurance plans.
Seated on the other side of her at the round table was Tom. She’d met him for the first time in person today, although she originally recognized him from a virtual meeting she’d attended when their two companies were collaborating on a project. That meeting itself was utterly unmemorable except for Tom. He never spoke in the meeting, but she remembered staring at him in his little head framing box on the screen. His striking green eyes and slicked back chestnut hair were hard to ignore.
Sitting next to him at lunch in person was a little awkward. She was fairly certain he did not remember her from the virtual meeting (why would he have?). He was very quiet, maybe a little on the shy side. He also seemed unimpressed by their table-mate’s bragging commentary. She noticed Tom’s eyes kept darting down toward the floor under the table. Maybe her fidgeting was distracting him. She could already feel her feet starting to swell at that point and she just had to keep moving them around to alleviate some of the pressure, and a relaxing soak was at the forefront of her mind …
Macy sat down on the hotel bed. Squaring her right leg over left, she tugged at the heel of her shoe and tossed it to the floor. She rubbed her sweaty arch with her thumbs for a few seconds before removing the left shoe. ‘I’m definitely never wearing those again,’ she thought to herself. She could smell how pungent her feet had gotten throughout the course of the day, too. Bath time could not have come soon enough.
She padded over to the bathroom and started filling the oversized tub, swirling in a generous amount of bath foam.
She began to undress, kicking her pants off. She turned to the mirror as she unbuttoned her blouse. The lace bra she had on was the second most uncomfortable thing she’d worn that day. As she fiddled with the clasp of her bra, she noticed how tired she looked. Her mouth was tense, and she had bags under her eyes. Maybe the harsh bathroom lighting was making her look worse, so she turned the light out. Tossing the bra aside she turned back to the tub which was now steaming and nearly finished filling with water. The airy white bubbles had multiplied a lot more quickly than she’d expected.
She dipped her toe in to test the water. The heat was shocking at first, causing her breath to catch briefly. Impatient, she lowered herself into the tub, enveloping her naked body in the mounds of bubbles that had been produced. Breathing in the steam, she relaxed backward, allowing her muscles to release to the heat of the water. She began to relish the feeling of the gentle foamy tingling sensation happening across her arms and breasts.
The tub was so wide and deep; however, it was hard to fully relax and lean back without sliding down too far and dunking her head. After a moment of awkward slipping and sliding, Macy oriented herself slightly diagonally, propping her feet up onto the ledge of the tub to help keep herself anchored.
With a sigh, she looked at the chipped red polish on her toenails. She usually got regular pedicures but lately she had been so busy with work that most self-care rituals had been pushed to the wayside. Her feet were definitely overdue for some TLC, as was the rest of her.
She closed her eyes and continued breathing in the warm fragrant steam rising up from the water, feeling comfortably enveloped in the silence and darkness.
Suddenly, Macy heard a click. Was that the door? She thought it had closed all the way…
She heard a few steps and slight heavy breathing. Macy began to panic but froze.
The bathroom light flicked on. Stunned, all she could manage to say was “Unmmm.”
Standing in the doorway was Tom. Dressed in running shorts and a grey t shirt and completely drenched in sweat. Clearly, he had just had an intense workout.
“Oh. Uhhhhh….” Tom mumbled, his eyes nervously moving around to every spot in the room but her.
Macy quickly looked for a way to cover herself, but luckily, there was a thick layer of bubbles to camouflage her nakedness- at least mostly.
Tom just stood there. A flash of indignation rose up from inside of Macy. “What the hell are you doing in here?!” She yelled.
“What do you mean? This is MY room! Number 414” Tom replied.
“No, this is MY room! Number 413!” Macy yelled.
Tom’s face turned bright red. He looked down at the key card in his hand. “Then why did my key work?” He asked.
“The door is broken.”
“And you didn’t call to have it fixed?” Tom inquired. “That’s really unsafe you know. Anyone could just…. Walk in.”
They stared at each other for a long moment. Tom’s eyes slowly moved down and to the left. Macy looked down; she was still somewhat modestly covered in heaps of bubbles- except for her feet which were still propped up on the ledge. Tom’s gaze became more intense. Was he really just staring at her feet?
“What are you staring at?” She asked, annoyed.
Tom swallowed but said nothing. His gaze still locked.
“Ok WHAT?!” She demanded.
“I’m so sorry, it’s just…. Umm…. You have really beautiful feet.”
Macy looked at her feet, then up at Tom. He looked as if he was nearly in a trance.
Macy had been told in the past that she had nice feet but certainly never had a reaction like this. She also knew that foot fetishes were a thing, but never encountered anyone with one…. That she was aware of, at least. Something strange stirred inside of her. She’d never felt a reaction this intense from another person about any part of her body.
“Do you have a… uh…. Foot fetish?” She asked.
Tom swallowed once more, almost wincing. “Yes.” He said quietly.
She looked at him for another moment. Curiosity was taking hold of her. She wiggled her toes slightly. Tom’s eyes widened in response.
“So… what do you…. um, do with them?” she asked, slightly shocked that the question even came out of her mouth.
“I mostly like to give foot massages. And… uh… other things.” He said.
The ‘other things’ part was a little confusing, but somehow intriguing. Images started to flood her mind. Lots of things she had simply never considered before.
Macy considered the foot massage part. Something she desperately needed at the moment.
“I could use a foot massage right now” she blurted out.
Tom’s green eyes widened even further. “Now?”
Macy suddenly felt a rush of heat throughout her entire body; A deliciously liquid feeling internal heat, more satisfying than the warm water she was currently submerged in.
“Yes. Right now.” She breathed.
Tom seemed to light up. Inhaling, a coy smile appeared on his face.
He stepped toward her. She could see a slight swell in the center of his shorts. She couldn’t help but let out a little giggle. He paused for a second, smiling bigger now and making eye contact with her. His demeanor seemed to have completely changed from just a few moments ago.
He kneeled down and motioned for her to scoot a little closer. She started to push her way toward him a little. The layer of bubbles on top of the water started to give way, exposing the tips of her nipples. She paused, feeling exposed. Tom cocked his head and smiled again.
“Closer.” He said. He took her feet in his hands and gently started to pull. She had no choice but to scoot and swivel her body around so that she laid horizontally across the tub, knees bent on the ledge. She quickly started to gather up as much of the remaining bubbly foam as she could, attempting to conceal herself. Tom laughed.
With both of her feet in his hands, he started to examine her soles. She watched his eyes performing a slow and careful inspection. She didn’t understand how or why he seemed so fascinated, but something inside of her needed to find out.
Tom placed both hands on her right foot. He gave a gentle squeeze and used his thumbs to firmly trace the length of her soles.
Macy let out a soft moan. The pressure was delicate, but relief inducing.
He moved to her toes. He pressed his thumbs into the thick flesh of her big toe, stretching it upward slightly.
She moaned again. He was really good at this!
He continued the same technique on each subsequent toe. Once he touched her pinky toe, she twitched and let out a little squeak.
Tom paused and looked up. “Ticklish?”
“A little.” She said.
Tom smirked and raised an eyebrow. A devilish took over his face. He went back to caressing her arches for a moment. Then, he lowered his face, placing his lips so they were just touching the tops of her toes. Macy’s heart started to quicken as he began to gingerly kiss each one of her toes over and over. His kisses gradually started to linger. She felt his breath. His lips started to part with each kiss.
Macy closed her eyes and whimpered softly. Her body was tense and relaxed all at the same time. She could feel her nipples becoming hard as he started to lick and suck her toes. His tongue began to weave in and out of the space between each toe, sending shockwaves directly up to the space between her thighs. She arched her back, her shoulders and breasts crested above the soapy water.
Tom reached up with one hand and began to feel her breast, swirling his fingertips around her nipple. Macy put her hand over his, stopping him. He looked up and licked his lips.
“Stand up.” She said.
Tom stood up. His running shorts were now tented over his impressive erection.
Macy pulled her legs back into the tub and kneeled before him. She placed her fingers at the hem of his shorts. His thighs were still moist with sweat. She traced her fingers up to his pockets and tugged downward, revealing his thick lengthy cock.
“I think you need a bath. You’re sweating.” She pointed out.
“Yeah.” Was all he could say.
“Get in.” She demanded.
Tom peeled off his sweaty t shirt and tossed it aside as Macy slid over to the side to make room. He stepped into the tub and slowly lowered himself into the water. She couldn’t help but notice how the muscles of his arms and shoulders worked with him in this movement.
Facing each other now, Macy started to stretch her legs out toward him. He grabbed her calves under the water and in one swift movement, pulled her up onto his thighs so that she was straddling him. She could feel his length pulsating against her lower belly. There was a dizzying amount of heat building inside of her.
Tom reached behind her head with both hands and pressed his lips to hers. He teased her mouth softly at first, but soon she felt his fingers curl into her hair as he seemed to turn ravenous.
She tightened her legs around him more, creating even less space between his cock and her stomach. She pressed against it. And it pressed back. Tom was commanding her mouth while his fingers were swirling and tugging in her mess of hair.
She pressed herself against him even more. Any space between any part of them felt like it was too much at this point. She reached under the water and wrapped her hand around his stiffness. Tom let out a deep groan. It was burning hot- hotter than the bath water.
Macy’s need became too intense. She needed all of him now! She pulled away from his mouth and Tom knew what to do. He slid his hands down her back and into the water, took a firm hold of her ass and lifted her up slightly. He leaned back a bit, keeping a grip on her bottom. Then, his cock slid inside of her.
After a couple of slow movements, Macy started to grind down hard onto him. She grabbed hold of his hair, like he had with hers, and rocked back and forth on top of him. She felt a hot intensity filling her up so fast she could almost scream. She gripped Tom’s hair between her fingers, his head dipping backward as she arched her back. She felt her breasts slap against the surface of the water as they writhed together.
“Fuck!” Tom yelled.
Macy let her fingers release from his hair as her muscles tightened even more around his cock.
“I…. I’m going to cum” she breathed into his ear.
“Me too.” He breathed back.
She rested her forehead into the crook of his neck as she felt her climax exploding from her. Even though submerged in water, she still felt Tom filling her as he let out a long, low moan.
Their intertwined bodies went still as the water continued to gently lap at their skin.
Macy lifted her head, blinking up at Tom. He smiled.
“Your left foot still needs a massage.” He quipped.
Macy pushed herself back and popped her left foot up out of the water, planting it center on Tom’s chest.
“Ok, I’m ready.” She said….
And she decided she would definitely wear those shoes again.
🌙 Hello! I’m Pinky, your silly little foot Goddess ✨ 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 $cashapp = PinkTootsies4u Wishlist: 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 👑 Having my...
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