How To Make Panty Selling a Full Time Job

Seller Tips For Sellers
How To Make Panty Selling a Full Time Job

Hello, I’m Fae and I recently started panty selling in January of this year. I'm here to tell you my experience and a few realistic tips to get your panty selling business as a real source of income.

I recently quit my day job and have started working on panty selling full time. I wanted to share this journey with other sellers so maybe one day this can be you.

So let's be realistic and talk about some numbers. You are probably not going to be a millionaire selling used panties but you can definitely make a steady income in this business. It is equivalent to what I made at my part-time day job. When I started noticing I was making almost double what my paycheck had been I quit my job. Why? I realized I was working half the hours, enjoying every minute of it, and I'm able to stay home and be more present for my family while still bringing in income. It did not come right away but it's worth the wait trust me.

Treat Panty Selling Like a Real Business

I'll be real with you. I am by no means the breadwinner of the family. I say this because everyone's situation is different. You may not be able to fully quit your job but you may get to lessen your hours and daily workload by replacing it with selling used panties. Something you can do in the comforts of your own home and actually enjoy making money. If you treat it like a real business you will reap the benefits of a real business.

I'm a firm believer that if you manifest your dreams daily you will receive what you need to be successful. Also, enjoy it, the more enthusiastic and genuine you are the more attractive you are to buyers. One of the most common compliments I get from buyers is how genuine I am. I actually like what I do so naturally I'm excited when I talk to a buyer.

For Panty Buyers This Is More Than a Business Transaction

Don’t just do it for the money. Yes, it's business first and I wouldn’t expect it any other way. Though I will say buyers know when you are dreading doing an order or you seem uninterested. The rule of thumb for me, I only do what I WANT to do. If it makes me uncomfortable or I'm just not in a good place I politely decline.

When I get excited about an order I tend to get amazing feedback because a lot of times the buyer wants to feel like they have made you happy as well. Or at least feel like you are excited to make them happy. One thing I thrive off of is making others happy. Probably why I’m a submissive but hey, do what works for you!

Perks of panty-selling are pretty awesome but I want to be as honest and open with you as possible. I always want to know exactly what I’m getting into. I did months of research before I took the leap into panty selling.

Some Useful Tax Information

One of the first things I researched was what to do when it came to paying taxes. Did you know in the US you can claim up to five dollars per square inch of the rooms you work from home in? Did you know that if you have proof you have to use makeup, lingerie, phone and more that you can write all that off? I have a CPA who I have worked with for seven years and he was able to give me all the guidance I needed when it came to taxes.

Another thing I researched was how to stay as safe as possible on the internet. At Least anonymity wise. I mail my stuff from a different zip-code entirely, use an alias, fake return address, and I use Nord VPN to protect my identity on my computer.

I like to build a personal connection with my customers. I just stick to my boundaries. I don’t give away personal info about my family as I want to protect them. I do talk about my interests, some events in my personal life, places I’ve travelled etc.. Still being honest and open just with boundaries. You can still build a connection without oversharing.

So if you are feeling let down or discouraged keep your head up. Be personable, do your research, protect yourself and enjoy it! All Things Worn has opened doors for my sexuality and I try to embrace it all. The more you put into your business the more you will receive. Keep your aspirations and expectations realistic but don't set the bar too low for yourself either. You got this far, was brave enough to make a profile and put yourself out there, don't give up just yet.

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